Dr. Pinar Yelmi brings significant international design experience to PACE, joining the University of Leeds in 2022. She teaches in the fully online MA Digital Design and Communication program, focusing on design thinking. With over a decade of collaboration with cultural institutions worldwide, Dr. Yelmi's expertise includes industrial product design and visual communication, particularly in interactive and participatory design experiences. Her courses integrate current digital and interactive design trends, encouraging creativity and innovation through hands-on projects and interactive workshops. Dr. Yelmi holds a bachelor's degree in industrial design from Middle East Technical University (Ankara, Türkiye), a master's degree in visual communication design from Politecnico di Milano (Milano, Italy), and a PhD in Design, Technology, and Society from Koç University (Istanbul, Türkiye). Before joining Leeds, she taught at Işık University (Istanbul, Türkiye) and managed undergraduate and graduate programmes.
Dr. Yelmi's research explores the intersection of technology, culture, and design. Her interests include interaction, human-centred, and participatory design, with projects focusing on interactive experiences, storytelling, and data visualisation. Additionally, she investigates cultural heritage, museums, soundscapes, and sensory studies, incorporating a multidisciplinary approach. Dr. Yelmi's focus on design thinking and industry collaboration enhances the learning experience, promoting creative and innovative methods in digital design.