We help organisations navigate complex challenges, unlock new growth, and seize opportunities for innovation. Our expertise spans:
Digital and Communication Design
Textiles and Fashion
Our textile and Fashion consultancy services are provided by the Leeds Institute of Textiles and Colour (LITAC). LITAC is a world-leading research institute at the School of Design at the University of Leeds, built on a history of nearly 150 years of research in textile technology and colour science.
Please contact LITAC for further information: litac@leeds.ac.uk
We collaborate with organisations to advise on industry trends, discuss the latest research, and help improve organisational practices.
The PACE team works closely with industry partners to drive innovation and enhance industry practices through collaborative research projects. We aim to improve standards and foster advancements by combining our expertise with industry needs.
PACE and LITAC provide various technical services and testing capabilities, including an onsite textile manufacturing micro-factory, eye tracking, heat mapping, colour testing, and an XLab with a range of interactive and VR (Virtual Reality) equipment.
View our facilities and equipment